Welcome to YoungNetwork Group

Events, production and activation agency.

MARY is the Activation, Events and Production Agency at the YoungNetwork Group.
A well-travelled, knowledgeable, wise counselling, strong, and decisive woman, MARY is the brand inside the group which brings the imagination to life – and indeed there is no holding back the imagination.


We activate brands through a team with proven expertise in the field.

  • Brand activation
  • Event organization
  • Social Responsibility Projects
  • Team-Building Events
  • Roadshows
  • Production
How do we work.

We take ideas off the paper and bring them to life in the real world.
We are the maestro of the orchestra!

"Every day is different for us. We can’t complain about our routine. Events in Portugal, brand activations in Angola, special projects in Mozambique, or filming in Dubai. Working for MARY is an adventure to be lived out intensely."

Cátia Semedo, Director at MARY
contact us.
Rua Fernando Vaz, nº12 A 1750-108 Lisboa, Portugal
c. 38º76'43.53", -9º15'61.53"
t. +351 217 506 049 | +351 964 651 311
e. catiasemedo@youngnetworkgroup.com
Follow us on Social Media and keep up to speed with our latest work.

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